304 The Garden

Russian garden features that have taken root.

Russian garden features that have taken root

Double room with cool tree wallpaper and details from our park.

Careful lists are kept of the castle parkat Bjertorp. At the sale of the property in 1958, a schematic outline is made of the trees and shrubs planted during the days of the Littorin family. Caucasian noble fir and Siberian noble fir are listed and the Caucasian variety has been rewarded with the addition of very beautiful tree. It is supposed to have had a very good development and can be found in the western part of the garden. The Russian maple that stands in the plastered area around and in front of the castle has also had a very nice development. The Russian elements from the time of Consul Knut Henrik Littorin in Moscow, the Caucasus and Siberia still play a prominent role in the surroundings.