Visit our careers page to view our vacancies. You can always contact us with spontaneous applications if you want to work with us on our castle.
All our vacancies can be found on our careers page
Spontaneous application
Are you interested in working as an hourly employee or do not want to miss out on advertised positions? Submit a spontaneous application and connect with us here.
Why work with us?
We are not like other hotels: We're building a hotel feel. A hotel business for us is about feelings, attitude, attitude and values. We want you who work with us to offer your personality, take your own initiative and find creative solutions. When you feel comfortable and able to be yourself, we believe that commitment and joy grow, contributing to our guests receiving world-class service.
Our guests: We are allowed to take care of guests who are here to enjoy life, to throw a party or to say yes to each other at their wedding.
Our employees: Not only do we have the best guests in the country, we also have Sweden's best service souls. We value each other's differences. Not least, we like to have fun at work.
Collective agreements & wellness: We have collective agreements which mean security, stability and fairness for all employees. Occupational pension and wellness allowance of SEK 3200 per year.
Benefits of Winn Hotel Group: As part of the Winn Hotel Group, you who work at Bjertorp Slott get preferential rates at our 11 hotels around the country.
Winn Business School: We invest and believe in skills development and through our group Winn Hotel Group we have an entire business that focuses solely on training and developing the skills of our staff.