Press room

Our Logo

The Bjertorp Castle logo can be used in several different colours. Download our logos from our media bank.
Bjertorp Slott logga original.Bjertorp Slott logga grön.Bjertorp Slott logga svartvit.Bjertorp Slott vit logga

Press images

We have collected high resolution press images for media use in our media bank.
Bjertorp Slott entré och fasad.Bäddad säng i hotellrum på Bjertorp SlottUppdukad slottsfrukost på Bjertorp SlottMiddag på Bjertorp SlottBjertorp Slotts sittyta i baren.Bröllopstårta närbildSlottsallén på Bjertorp Slott.Brud sminkar sig inför vigsel på Bjertorp Slott.
Victoria Johansson, VD och hotelldirektör på Bjertorp Slott.

Press contact

Victoria Johansson

VD Bjertorp Castle
0512-30 05 61
Bjertorp Slotts fasad i höstfärger.

About Bjertorp Slott

Bjertorp Castle is located just outside Vara in Västra Götaland. The operations at Bjertorp Slott are owned by the Winn Hotel Group and focus on hotels, restaurants, conferences, weddings, parties and golf. The property owners of the castle are Svante Andersson and Anna Ellhage. Svante Andersson is also the founder and owner of Stenhaga Invest AB.